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Customizing the displayed information per exhibition, artwork, artist, or news

In this article

With the help of Elementor, you can edit the information about your works, artists, exhibitions, publications and news step by step. Elementor not only allows you to create content, but also to customize the appearance of your website content to your liking. Below you will find detailed instructions and examples of how you can make specific customizations using the news page as an example.

Customize or show and hide content on your website

  1. Log in to WordPress.
  2. Go to the news page of your website (or your works, artist, exhibition page, etc.).
  3. Go to “Edit with Elementor” in the menu bar at the top and click on “News-List” in the drop-down menu – The Elementor editor opens (or works-list, artist-list, exhibition-list etc.).
  4. Click once in the area where the news is to be seen and the appropriate area will open in the left-hand editing bar.
  5. Scroll down to the lowest editing point “Fields” and you can start editing: You can now:
  6. Edit the spacing between the displayed information
  7. Change line spacing
  8. Similarly, under Item #1, Item #2 etc., show and hide the displayed information or adjust it visually (bold, italics, text size)
  9. Finished editing? Click on “Update” and your changes are now visible on your website.

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These basic customizations should help you to design your works, exhibitions and news in an individual way. Experiment with the various options in Elementor to achieve the look you want.