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Showroom configurations (select visible work infos, mark favorites, receive inquiries directly, send information directly)

In this article

In this article, we will explain how you can edit multiple Options for the list of works in your showrooms. You can select the specific work information displayed to the visitors of your showroom. Additionally, you can decide whether visitors can mark artworks in their favorite lists. Furthermore, you have the choice to enable private inquiries about individual works directly through the showroom or alternatively use your showroom as a personal presentation platform from which you can send work information directly.

Select visible information for works

  1. To adjust the visible information of the works in your showroom, open the showroom and click on the second tab at the top labeled ‘Details editor’.
  2. On the right side, the menu ‘Edit Page Elements’ will now open. Click on the pencil icon next to ‘Works List’.
  3. Here, you can choose both the list layout (left-right or column layout) and select the image caption placement along with the visible fields containing information about your works.
  4. Scrolling further down, you’ll also find the section ‘Work Details’ where you can set the visible fields for the detailed views of the works, such as when one of the works is clicked, revealing additional images.
  5. Don’t forget to save your selection – and you’re done!

Video tutorial:

Filter works by status

In Showroom details → General Information, you will find Filter works by status. This allows you to specify whether you want to display all the works selected for the Showroom or only those with a specific status.

Activate Favorites Option

  1. To allow visitors to your showroom to mark works as favorites, which will then be saved in a favorites list, open the showroom and click on the second tab at the top labeled ‘Details editor’.
  2. On the right side, the menu ‘Edit Page Elements’ will now open. Click on the pencil icon next to ‘Works List’.
  3. Scroll down below the checkbox list of visible fields and activate the slider ‘Show favorites’.
  4. Don’t forget to save – and you’re done!
  5. Now there’s an option beneath each work to mark it as a favorite. To see all favorite works, click on the ‘Favorites’ option in the showroom menu at the top right.

Video tutorial:

Activate Private Inquiries for Works

  1. To provide visitors to your showroom with the ability to send private inquiries via email directly from the showroom about specific works, follow these steps: Open the showroom and click on the second tab at the top labeled ‘Edit Details’.
  2. On the right side, the menu ‘Edit Page Elements’ will now open. Click on the pencil icon next to ‘List of Works’.
  3. Scroll down below the checkbox list of visible fields and select from the dropdown menu ‘Activate enquiry option’ the option ‘Inquiry’.
  4. Don’t forget to save – and you’re done!
  5. In your showroom, a link will now appear under each work through which an inquiry can be sent.

    TOP TIP: You can rename the inquiry link and many other buttons in your showroom. Simply do this in the general settings of your account under ‘Showroom Settings’.

Video tutorial:

Activate ‘Send Info’

  1. To use your showroom as a personal presentation platform (for example, on an iPad) from which you can directly send work information, follow these steps: Open the showroom and click on the second tab labeled ‘Details editor’ at the top.
  2. On the right, the menu ‘Edit Page Elements’ will now open. Click on the pencil icon next to ‘Works List’.
  3. Scroll down below the checkbox list of visible fields and select from the dropdown menu ‘Activate enquiry option’ the option ‘Send Info’.
  4. Don’t forget to save – you’re done!
  5. Now, in your showroom, a link will appear below each work. You can use this link to send individually selectable information about each work via email.

    TOP TIP: You can add your frequently used online showrooms and presentations for quick access to the home screen of your mobile devices. Learn how to do this in this article: Save showrooms and presentations on mobile device (use like an app)