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Showrooms: Showcase your art creatively online

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What are ARTBUTLER NEXT Showrooms?

A Showroom is an online presentation of artworks created with just a few clicks, which can be accessed in your browser, on your tablet, or smartphone, and shared as a link. Take a look at our demo Showroom here!

Online Showrooms mit ARTBUTLER NEXT

How can I use Showrooms?

You can use showrooms in various ways, depending on whether you are an art gallery, an artist, or using it for a collection or estate. Here, we present four examples.

Showcasing exhibitions online

An exhibition or series of works can be effectively promoted online through a showroom.

You can easily customize the design of your showroom by uploading your logo, selecting one of the proposed themes, or choosing the fonts and colors of your showroom individually. For each showroom, you can configure which information about your artworks should be displayed, such as whether a price is visible (learn more on how this works here).

We recommend using detailed views of the works and exhibition views to provide a versatile impression of your art. Additionally, you can provide a text and documents for download in your showroom, such as a press release or your cv.

For an exclusive preview of your exhibition, you can also protect your showroom with a password so that only selected individuals have access to it.

Receiving inquiries about your artworks

A showroom is an elegant way to offer your works to potential customers.

Visitors to your showroom can mark works as favorites and send you a private inquiry, which you will receive via email (learn more on how this works here).

Unlike a PDF or email, a showroom has the advantage that you can update it at any time, even if the link has already been sent to your customers. For example, if you have new images or information about your works, you can easily update them, and your customers will always have access to the latest content.

Presenting your artworks in sales discussions

A showroom is not only suitable for online presentations but can also be used in personal conversations. You can showcase your art on an iPad or iPhone, and during art fairs, you have the works at hand even if they are not physically exhibited.

Selected information about the works can be sent directly to your contact with a click through the showroom (learn more on how this works here).

Sharing work progress

If you use ARTBUTLER NEXT to create a catalog or document a collection, a showroom allows you to provide perfect insights into your work. A selected person can always view the current status, but no changes can be made to the contents of your directory.

The showroom is, of course, searchable, making it easy to find the right information, even with many works.

Who can see my showrooms?

Depending on the purpose, you decide who has access to your showroom, when, and where, and with whom you want to share it. You can also set an expiration date for your showroom, after which it will automatically deactivate, or you can make it invisible at any time.

For exclusive access, you can protect your showroom with a password or share it openly with a broad audience, for example:

  • in your newsletter
  • on your website
  • on social media
  • via email
  • or through a QR code at your art fair booth

Why not try it yourself and showcase your art in an ARTBUTLER NEXT Showroom!