What is the difference between ARTBUTLER PRO and ARTBUTLER NEXT?
ARTBUTLER NEXT is the perfect addition to your ARTBUTLER PRO database: With ARTBUTLER NEXT you have the possibility to present your art online and in person and have all the information at hand on your mobile devices when you are on the move. You can easily create individual online showrooms and present your art in an appealing way, receive enquiries or even sell directly.
Comprehensive presentations allow you to show as many showrooms as you like in one overview and for example show all available works that are not physically at hand on an iPad at an art fair.
ARTBUTLER NEXT also offers many integrations to other platforms, such as Artland and Shopify – once entered in ARTBUTLER PRO, you can easily transfer your data to ARTBUTLER NEXT and from there to other platforms.
Start now with NEXT – free of charge & without obligation
How can I transfer my data from ARTBUTLER PRO to ARTBUTLER NEXT?
In the support area of ARTBUTLER PRO you will find a step-by-step instructions for setting up a transfer between your ARTBUTLER PRO database and your ARTBUTLER NEXT account. Once set up, you can easily transfer new works to ARTBUTLER NEXT at the push of a button.
Here you can find the article in the ARTBUTLER PRO support area: Direct Upload from ARTBUTLER PRO to ARTBUTLER NEXT
Set up a website as an ARTBUTLER PRO customer with ARTBUTLER NEXT
With ARTBUTLER NEXT, you have the option of either creating a ready-to-use design website or having us develop a completely customized website for you. Learn more about websites here.